Welcome to my digital curriculum vitae. This online format allows me to give a little more detail about some of the items on the CV, along with some images and links to web-based material. Please use the navigation to peruse the various sections, or if you prefer a single document in the traditional format, download a PDF of my CV here.

I am proud to have been recognized by Emory University for innovative teaching and research during the pandemic.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion
I am on a life-long journey of learning to steward the power and privilege I carry in the world as a straight, white, educated, able-bodied, cis-gendered, male, Protestant Christian, American citizen. [READ MORE]

Teaching (Student Feedback)
It was the best of any lecture I have seen virtually—and by this point, that tallies to a year’s worth of online lectures. Really, it was a treat to listen: profound but peppered with humor; attentive to the cultural and historical particularities but reflective of today; leaning into the discomfort of intersecting gender, ethnicity, and sexual exploitation with firmness but also kindness. Thank you for unpacking some of Ruth’s “baggage”; I’m now going to sort through it a bit more. [READ MORE]